But, when an anonymous broadcast declares piles of scrumptious grub are waiting just beyond the block’s locked gates, the Fatties go on the rampage, desperate to bust out of the block and feast on the promised food. For the most part, the Fatties therein have surrendered to both their fates and their shrinking bellies. One such block is the Frank Cannon Segregation Block for the Excessively Fat. With appetites as big as their gargantuan frames, these foodies are now confined to segregated blocks where they can be fed in moderation. None feel this shortage in food more than the Fatties. In the grim aftermath, food, shelter, and manpower are in desperately short supply as Mega-City One has suffered horrific casualties and catastrophic damage to its infrastructure. Now, however, the next battle begins – the battle to rebuild.

Mega-City One has won the Apocalypse War against the Sov Block.